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Paprika! The Critique Broadsheet, for Yale School of Architecture with Osvald Landmark (2021).

Paprika! is the often-weekly broadsheet published by the students of the Yale School of Architecture and Yale School of Art. The theme of the 7th volume of the broadhseet was Critique. Each article in this volume responds to a previous issue. We interlaced each response with content from the respective Slack channels that have been used during the production of each issue.

Paprika! is the often-weekly broadsheet published by the students of the Yale School of Architecture and Yale School of Art. The theme of the 7th volume of the broadhseet was Critique. Each article in this volume responds to a previous issue.

As designers for the critique issue Osvald Landmark and I chose to highlight the digital architecture that makes this ongoing collaboration between the two schools possible—Slack.

We interlaced each response with content from the respective slack channels that have been set up during the production of each issue.

  • Previous: Lichenous Networks
  • Next: NfTNeTArT. from Net Art to Art NFT