Identity for Jonas Lund (2019).

Operation Earnest Voice is an online influencing agency. During the 10th to the 13th of January 2019, its Brexit Division Office was hosted on the third floor of The Photographers’ Gallery in central London.

During the performance a team of twelve employees worked together with one political goal in mind: to collaboratively develop a media campaign that would reverse Brexit by using a wide range of tactics to manipulate the public opinion, and by creating new narratives that aim to disrupt the current political debate.

Identity for the installation/performance Operation Earnest Voice, initiated by the Swedish artist
Jonas Lund.
Operation Earnest Voice is an online influencing agency. The office of its Brexit Division staged a performance for three days from the 10–13 of January 2019.
During the performance a team of twelve employees worked together with one political goal in mind:
to collaboratively develop a media campaign that would reverse Brexit by using a wide range of tactics to manipulate the public opinion, and by creating new narratives that aim to disrupt the current political debate.